
WHAT: 2023 year-end CIOF General Membership Meeting and Conference (GMMC) and Christmas Fellowship, and Election of CIOF Board of Trustees for the Term 2023-2025,

WHEN: December 6, 2023, at 1:00-6:30 P.M.,

WHERE: University Hotel, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City (located on Corner Guerrero and Aglipay Streets, UP Diliman Campus).

In keeping with the spirit of the Christmas season, while giving emphasis to our Digital Transformation efforts in government, we have chosen as theme for the event, “Deck the Halls with DX Best Practices”.

This GMMC will feature updates to be given by former BSP CIO and Asst. Gov. Lilia C. Guillermo on the development of our CIOF-CIOFF Digital Transformation (DX) Maturity Framework and Assessment Survey Instrument. You may remember that she first presented during the 2023 NICT Summit held last 22-23 August this year the CIOF-CIOFF DX Maturity Model and Survey Tool. As she then said, the DX Model and Survey Tool are being designed to help determine and track the digital transformation (DX) maturity level of government agencies and provide assistance as may be needed to the agencies in need of such assistance. The survey tool is now being pilot-tested in some volunteer agencies and being finalized for deployment starting next year.

We have also invited speakers from some government and partner organizations to share their stakeholders’ experiences following their DX efforts.

For the election of the CIOF Board of Trustees, we hope to see a smooth transition to the new set of CIOF officers for the coming term, 2023-2025. Your participation in the elections either as candidate or voting member is very much encouraged.

Our traditional Christmas Fellowship will cap the event.

With your continued active support and cooperation, we are looking forward to another opportunity for the CIOF and the CIOFF, as well as our ICT stakeholders in government and in the private sector, to continue fostering a culture of cooperation, innovation, and empowerment to sustain the gains we have already achieved toward our country and government’s digital transformation.