Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
CIOF Foundation, Inc.
Code of Ethics
As bona fide members of the CIOF Foundation Inc. (CIOFF), each member shall at all times:
- uphold, promote, and protect the interests and integrity of the CIOFF;
- maintain the high ideals of the CIOFF as defined in its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws;
- support the vision of the CIOFF, and therefore shall promote the wider awareness of information and communications technology (ICT) and its use and application in government;
- endeavor to share knowledge and expertise towards the further development, understanding, and effective use of ICT;
- exhibit at all times utmost honesty, support, cooperation, and respect to fellow members;
- observe and respect the confidentiality and privacy of personal and other sensitive information; and
- uphold obligations to the CIOFF, fellow members, the government, the country, and fellow countrymen.
Standards of Professional Conduct
These standards expound on the Code of Ethics by providing specific statements of behavior supporting each element of the Code. These are tenets to be observed by each and every CIOFF member as professionals and members of good standing.
Commitments of CIOFF Members
In recognition of the obligations of CIOFF members, they shall:
- use the position and authority entrusted to them with all propriety, responsibility and accountability;
- accept full responsibility for everything they say and do; and
- share only factual and objective information.
In recognition of their obligations to fellow members, they shall:
- remain honest in all their personal and professional relationships and dealings with them;
- take appropriate action in regard to any event, activity, or practice that come to their attention, which may be considered illegal or unethical. As needed, or with reasonable basis, they will bring to the attention of the CIOFF EC any violation of the Code of Ethics;
- avoid using or taking credit for the work of others without giving due recognition or acknowledgment; and
- refrain from taking advantage of the lack of knowledge or inexperience on the part of others for their personal gain.
In recognition of their obligation to society, they shall:
- protect the privacy and confidentiality of data and information entrusted to them
- use their skills and knowledge to inform the public in all areas of their expertise
- ensure that the products of their work are used in a responsible manner
- support, respect, and abide by the appropriate local and international laws
- never misrepresent or withhold information that is vital to a problem or situation of public concern nor will allow any such known information to remain unchallenged
- refrain from using knowledge of a confidential or personal nature in any unauthorized manner or to achieve personal gain.
In recognition of their obligation to the country, they shall:
- share their knowledge and expertise to government agencies and other organizations without demanding excessive or unreasonable professional fees, but based on acceptable industry rates
- never misrepresent the organization in any situation
- never use personal network and influence to access government resources for personal gain to the disadvantage of the CIOFF.
Ethics Complaints
Violations of this Code of Ethics and Professional Standards shall be brought/filed to the attention of the appropriate body for resolution. For this purpose, an Ethics Committee (EC) shall be created by the Board of Trustees, composed of three CIOF Foundation members who are not incumbent Trustees of the Foundation, one of whom shall be designated Chairman of the Committee.
- The members of the EC shall serve for a period of four (4) years, without prejudice to reappointment.
- The EC shall receive the formal complaints of violation and shall convene to hear and resolve the matters presented to it within a period of time they deem appropriate.
- Any complaint shall be entertained by the EC and investigated. All decisions shall be based on verified and fully substantiated facts.
- The EC may, motu proprio, investigate instances of violations.
- Action on ethics violation would range from a simple warning to reprimand, suspension, or, in extreme cases, expulsion from the Foundation.
Rule 1. Creation and Membership of the Ethics Committee (EC)
1.1 The EC created for this purpose shall be composed of three (3) members.
1.2 The members of the EC shall be bona fide members of the CIOFF.
1.3 he members shall be elected and serve for a period of four (4) years. For the first set of members to be elected, the member with the highest number of votes shall serve for a period of four years, the second for three (3) years and the third for two (2) years. In subsequent elections of the EC, each elected new member shall serve the full four-year (4) term.
1.4 A member cannot serve in both the CIOFF BOT and EC at the same time. Hence, any member of the Board or EC elected to either shall resign from either of his positions.
1.5 Any vacancy that occurs within the term of an incumbent member of the EC shall be filled through a special election to be called by the CIOFF Board. The member elected shall serve the unexpired portion of the term.
Rule 2. Reimbursement of Transportation Expenses in Attendance to EC Meetings
2.1 Each member shall be entitled to reimbursement of transportation expenses in the amount of Two thousand pesos (PHP 2,000.00) for every meeting that the EC will hold to discuss and resolve complaints and the results of each meeting shall be reported to the CIOFF Board.
2.2 In the event that the EC had not met for the year as there were no complaints filed, but the members have been conducting online discussions on EC-related matters, each member shall be entitled to the amount of Five thousand (PHP 5,000.00) for the year; provided the EC shall submit and present to the Board a report on such online discussions and/or agreements, if there are any, on EC-related matters done for the year;
Rule 3. Receiving of and Promulgating Actions on Complaints Against Any Member of the CIOF Foundation
3.1 A complaint may be raised and/or formally filed by a member or anybody who may not be a member of the CIOFF against any CIOFF member for any alleged ethical misdemeanor, misconduct, or violation of the CIOFF Code of Ethics;
3.2 The EC can initiate on its own an investigation even without a formal complaint raised or filed against any CIOFF member, informing in writing the CIOFF BOT of such complaint;
3.3 After diligent investigation and due deliberation, the EC shall, promulgate and execute, and inform the CIOFF Board of such action/s as may be necessary regarding such complaint;
3.4 In cases where a complaint is filed against a sitting member of the EC, such member shall inhibit himself from any deliberations of the EC on such complaint. In such cases, the CIOFF Board shall recommend a temporary member to be accepted by the remaining EC members to sit in the deliberations of the EC.
Rule 4. Violations Falling under the CIOFF Code of Ethics
Violations falling under the CIOFF Code of Ethics that can be brought to the attention of, or investigated, motu proprio, by the EC, shall include but not limited to the following:
Minor Offenses
- Mishandling and/or misuse of funds and other resources, not for personal gain
- Lack of professionalism, including belligerent attitude towards colleagues and others
- Disruptive and disrespectful behavior
- Discriminatory behavior, and
- Such other offenses as the EC may determine
Major Offenses
- Embezzlement or deliberate use of funds for personal gain
- Conduct unbecoming, such as dishonesty, bribery, abuse of authority, fraud/forgery
- Misrepresentation, including the undermining of the Foundation’s interests
- Conflict of interest, including the promotion of personal interests and financial gain
- Sexual harassment or exploitation, and
- Such other offenses as the EC may determine
Rule 5. Sanctions
5.1 Warning. A member who is found guilty of a minor offense for the first time, as determined by the EC, and reported to the CIOFF BOT for information, shall be given a simple warning in writing.
5.2 Suspension. A member who is found guilty of a minor offense for the second time shall be meted a suspension for a minimum period of six (6) months to a maximum of one (1) year
A member who is found guilty of a major offense for the first time shall be meted a suspension for a period of one (1) year
5.3 Expulsion. A member who is found guilty of a major offense for the second time shall be meted a penalty of expulsion /withdrawal of membership including forfeiture of all benefits and privileges.