CIOs Join DICT Officials for Yearend Look at Midterm ICT Milestone


3 December 2019 (Quezon City) – Some 100 government chief information officers (CIOs), ICT managers and executives, members of the CIOF Foundation Inc., and top officials of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) gathered at Novotel Araneta Center today for the 4th General Membership Meeting and Conference of the Chief Information Officers Forum Inc. (CIOF) which highlighted the theme “Digital Philippines: Mainstreaming eGovernment Master Plan 2022.” This, despite storm signal number 2 accompanying Typhoon Tisoy.

The keynote message of DICT Secretary Gregorio B. Honasan II was relayed to the delegates by DICT Technical Advisor Jovencio ‘Chito’ Kintanar, who said that the Secretary had to attend to emergency requirements for government’s response to Typhoon Tisoy.

The keynote message was followed by interesting lectures from global speakers: “One-Connected Government” by Richard Amer, Industry Director for Public Sector of Unisys; and “Smart Cities for Digital Philippines” by Andres Ortola, Country General Manager of Microsoft.

 A lively panel discussion on “EGMP 2022 – Bridge to Digital Philippoines” was moderated by DICT’s Alberto Salvador Jr. and joined by DICT Director Rior Santos who tackled “Digital Governance, Digital Economy, and Digital Society,” with Bon Moya, National Technology Officer of Microsoft, and Richard Amer of Unisys focusing on “Industry Perspectives on eGMP 2022 and Digital Philippoines.” The panel discussions bridged the government’s re-energized eGovernment Master Plan 2022 into the administration’s vision and roadmap for a Digitial Philippines.

Further insights on EGMP 2022 were offered through the following appreciations talks: “Secure CyberSpace for Filipinos” by Daphne Chee of Unisys; and “Moving Payments from a Tri-cycle Journey to the Kitchen Table” by Michael Smith of WhiteSky Labs.

The traditional Christmas CIOF and CIOF Foundation Fellowship followed immediately after the conference, where some 50 industry partners were honored in thanksgiving for supporting throughout the year the CIOF/CIOFF Conferences and National ICT Summit. (vmg/20191212)