4th General Membership Meeting 2018

CIO Forum GMMs and NICT Summit, Featured

There were 278 and 187 attendees during Day 1 and Day 2 of the Summit, respectively, composed of incumbent and former government CIOs, ICT officials from the NGAs, LGUs, SUCs, and stakeholders from the private sector and ICT industry partners. Colleagues from the Asian organizations, namely: CIO Academy Asia (CIOAA) and ASEAN CIO Association (ACIOA) attended the Summit. Also in attendance were high-ranking government officials. Presidential Spokesperson and Secretary Ernesto C. Abella, DOST Secretary Fortunato T. dela Peña and DICT Undersecretary Monchito B. Ibrahim gave their keynote messages. Senior-level public servants from the DICT who shared their knowledge and expertise were Usec Eliseo M. Rio, Jr., Usec Denis F. Villorente, and Asec Alan A. Silor. Other government officials who supported the Summit were DBM Usec Lilia C. Guillermo, DPWH Asec B. Elizabeth B. Yap and DBM Asec Clarito L. Magsino. Reputable and competent speakers from the ICT industry partners, some of which came from other countries, also shared their knowledge, experiences and best practices.